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Ahmad, M.D., W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, R.A. Feddes 2002. Sustainable use of groundwater for irrigation: A numerical analysis of the subsoil water fluxes. Irrigation and Drainage, 51(3): 227-241.
Ahmad, M.D. 2002. Estimation of net groundwater use in irrigated river basins using geo-information techniques: A case study in Rechna Doab, Pakistan. Ph.D. Thesis, Wageningen University, the Netherlands.
Ahmad, M.D., W.G.M. Bastiaanssen, R.A. Feddes 2005. A new technique to estimate net groundwater use across large irrigated areas by combing remote sensing and water balance approaches. Hydrogeology Journal Hydrogeology Journal Issue: Online First DOI: 10.1007/s10040-004-0394-5.
Alley, W.M., T.E. Reilly, and O.L. Franke. 1999. Sustainability of ground-water resources. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1186.
Biswas, D. Zuo, J.E. Nickum and C. Liu.
Bredeheoft, J.D. 1997. Safe yield and the water budget myth. Ground Water 35, no. 6: 929.
Bredeheoft, J.D. 2002. The water budget myth revisited: why hydrogeologists model. Ground Water 40, no. 4: 340-345.
Bredeheoft, J.D., S.S. Papadopulos, and H.H. Cooper Jr. 1982. The water budget myth. In Scientific Basis of Water Resource Management, Studies in Geophysics, 51-57. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.
Burke, J.J. (2003). Groundwater for irrigation: productivity gains and the need to manage hydro-environmental risk. In: M.R. Llamas and E. Custodio (eds.), Intensive Use of Groundwater. Challenges and opportunities. Balkema Publishers. Lisse, the Netherlands: 59-92.
Burke, J.J. (2003). Groundwater for irrigation: productivity gains and the need to manage hydro-environmental risk. In: M.R. Llamas and E. Custodio (eds.), Intensive Use of Groundwater. Challenges and opportunities. Balkema Publishers. Lisse, the Netherlands: 59-92
Burke J., Moench, groundwater and society: resources, tensions and opportunity: ISET, 2000 (PDF)
Cai, L., 1988, Efficient conjunctive use of surface and groundwater in the People's Victory Canal, in O'Mara, G.T., ed., Efficiency in Irrigation: Washington, D.C., World Bank, p. 84-87
FAO water report 24. Rethinking the approach to groundwater and food security, 2003 (E) (PDF)
FAO water report 25. Groundwater management: the search for practical approaches, 2003 (E) (PDF)
GW-MATE Briefing Note Series & Case Profile Collection available for download on -BNs 0, 2, 3, 7, 10, 11 and CPs 1, 8, 10, 11.
Groundwater recharge from irrigated cropland in the North China Plain: case study of Luancheng County, Hebei Province, 1949–2000. Hydrol. Process. 18, 2289–2302 (2004).
Huang, Jikun, 1998. Agricultural policy, development and food security in China. In Agriculture in China 1949-2030, ed., T.C. Tso, F. Tuan and M. Faust. Beltsville, Maryland: IDEALS, Inc., 209-257.
IWMI research report 45. Pedaling out of Poverty: Social Impact of Manual Irrigation Technology in South Asia (PDF)
Jacks, G., Bhattacharya, P., Chaudhary, V. & Singh, V. P. (2005) Genesis and the control of some high-F groundwaters in India. Applied Geochemistry 20(2): 221-228.
Jaglan, M. S. & Qureshi, M. H. (1996) Irrigation development and its environmental consequences in arid regions in India. Environ. Management 20: 323-336.
Krishnamachari, K. A. V. R., 1976. Further observations on the syndrome of endemic genu valgum of South India. Indian J. of Medical Research 64(2): 284-291.
Kendy, Eloise, 2003, The false promise of sustainable pumping rates. Ground Water, 41(1): 2-4)
Kendy E., Water Woes: Predictable, but not Inevitable in Geotimes
Kendy, E., Molden, D.J., Steenhuis, T.S., and Liu, C.M., 2003. Policies Drain the North China Plain: Agricultural Policy and Groundwater Depletion in Luancheng County, 1949-2000. International Water Management Institute Research Report 71, 45 p. (PDF)
Kendy, Eloise, Yongqiang Zhang, Changming Liu, Jinxia Wang and Tammo Steenhuis, 2004.
Liu, C.M.; Yu, J.J.; Kendy, E. 2001. Groundwater exploitation and its impact on the environment in the North China Plain. Water International, 26(2):265-272.
Margat Jean, groundwater management, Chapter 10 in groundwater studies, an international guide for hydrogeological investigations edited by V.S. Kovalesky, G.P. Kruseman, K.R. Rushton, IHP-VI series on groundwater nb 3, 2004.
Margat Jean, Les eaux souterraines dans le bassin méditerranéen. Ressources et utilisations [Groundwater in the Mediterranean Basin. Resources and uses], UNEP. MAP, Plan Bleu ; BRGM, 1998, (Documents du BRGM, 282), FRE (editor-éditeur commercial)
Mexico National Research Council entitled “towards sustainability: soil and water research priorities in developing countries.
Policy briefing 1, innovations in groundwater recharge, IWMI TATA water policy program (PDF)
Policy briefing 2, bringing pumps to people (wells and welfare), IWMI TATA water policy program (PDF)
Policy briefing 4, The socio-ecology of groundwater in India, IWMI TATA water policy program (PDF)
Policy briefing 10, irrigation-energy nexus, IWMI-TATA water policy program (PDF)
Policy briefing 13, reducing poverty through integrated management of groundwater and surface water, IWMI-TATA Water policy program (PDF)
Prasad, Schull, Turral article in Remote Sensing and Environment 95(2005):317-341.
SHAH, T.; MOLDEN, D.; SAKTHIVADIVEL, R.; SECKLER, D. 2000. The global groundwater situation: Overview of opportunities and challenges. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. v, 21p. (PDF)
Stefan Siebert, Sebastian Feick and Jippe Hoogeveen in: "A digital global map of irrigated areas - An update for Asia" (2005).
Sophocleous, M. 1997. Managing water resources systems: Why "safe yield" is not sustainable. Ground Water 35, no. 4: 561.
Theis, C.V. 1940. The source of water derived from wells: Essential factors controlling the response of an aquifer to development. Civil Engineer 10: 277-280.
Villholth Karen G., Comprehensive Assessment of Consequences and Options for Agricultural Groundwater Use, Paper presented at the workshop: “Groundwater Governance and Management - An IWRM Perspective in Arid/Semi-Arid Climates”, Cairo, Egypt, April 4-7, 2005e.
Wang W. 1991. Irrigation, flood control, and drainage. In The Agriculture of China, Xu G, Peel LJ (eds). Oxford University Press: New York; 144–151.
William Blomquist, Edella, Schlager, and Tanya Heikkila, Common Waters, Diverging Streams: Linking Institutions and Water Management in Arizona, California, and Colorado (2004, Resources for the Future)
Zhu, Y.H.; Zheng, X.L. 1983. Shallow groundwater resources of the Huang-Huai-Hai plain. In, Long-Distance Water Transfer: A Chinese Case Study and International Experiences, ed., A.K.
International groundwater resource assessment center
UNESCO- international hydrological program VI
Institute for social and environmental transition
IWMI groundwater publication list