Purpose of the project is to Contribute to the existing research/knowledge on urban wastewater use for agriculture in India by: (i) undertaking primary research on current practices, costs and benefits of wastewater use in agriculture vis-à-vis social, economic, health and environmental parameters; (ii) identifying best practices for mitigation of negative impacts (iii) assessing the replicability of potential cost-effective technologies in different agro-climatic and socio cultural set-ups (iv) developing the methodology for and carrying out nationwide assessments based on key cities, of the extents and significance of wastewater use in relation to volumes of wastewater generated, volumes used, areas irrigated, families benefited, crops grown, and its impact on the national or local economy.
Collaborators and Partners: Winrock International India (WII); BAIF Development Research Foundation; Institute for Studies and Transformations (IST); Jadavpur University (JU)
Duration: 2004-2005
Project Proposal : [download]
Inception Report : [download]
Project Report: [pdf 2mb]
National Workshop on Urban Wastewater: Livelihood, Health and Environmental Impacts in India, January 31, 2006, United Services Institution, New Delhi [Proceedings] [Programme] [List of Participants]
Pre-Consultative Group Meeting, Winrock International, India, June 24th 2004 [minutes]; [project overview-presentation]; [urban wastewater issues- presentation]