The purpose of this project is to identify socially desirable strategies to manage irrigation systems in Ethiopia in order to improve human health, livestock and crop production, and natural resources. Impact assessments of alternative irrigation technologies on different production systems will be carried out. Recommendations for institutional linkages among stakeholders for better water management will be looked at along with management options for water, soil, livestock and crop management. Communities will be engaged in problem identification and there will be aspects of training given to counterparts and postgraduate students. These studies are carried out in Awash and Tekeze basins, Ethiopia.
Project Manager:
Dr. Don Peden
Director – Ethiopia
International Livestock Research Institute
PO Box 5689, Addis Ababa,
The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI):
The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) one of the 15 CGIAR Centers works at the crossroads of livestock and poverty, bringing high-quality science and capacity-building to bear on poverty reduction and sustainable development for poor livestock keepers and their communities.
ILRI works in partnerships and alliances with other organizations, national and inter- national, in livestock research, training and information. ILRI works in all tropical developing regions of Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean. [more on ILRI]
Principal Investigators:
Mekele University; Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization
Duration: 2003 to 2005
Proposal [download pdf]
Inception Report [download word]
Student List [download word]
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Project Outreach: In October 2005, Wagnew Ayalneh gave an overview to school children showing how the introduction of community-based irrigation in the Awash Basin had many positive and negative effects. |
Project Report
Community Based Irrigation Management in the Tekeze Basin: Performance Evaluation: A Case study on three small-scale irrigation schemes (micro dams) by M. Behailu, M. Abdulkadir, A. Mezgebu and M. Yasin
Policy Brief - Gender, Irrigation And Livestock: Exploring The Nexus by Dejene Aredo, Don Peden and Girma Taddese
Working Papers
- Increasing Water Productivity: Livestock for Food Security and Poverty Alleviation
Girma Taddese
- GIS Application for analysis of Land Suitability and Determination of Grazing Pressure in Upland of the Awash River Basin, Ethiopia
Atesmachew Bizuwerk, Don Peden, Girma Taddese, Yasin Getahun
- Application of GIS for Modeling Soil loss rate in Awash River Basin, Ethiopia
Atesmachew Bizuwerk, Girma Taddese, Yasin Getahun
- The Water of the Awash River Basin A Future Challenge to Ethiopia
Girma Taddese, Kai Sonder & Don Peden
- Preliminary Report on Community Based Irrigation Management in the Tekeze Basin: Impact Assessment
Mintesinot Behailu, Mohammed Abdulkedir, Atinkut Mezgebu & Mustefa Yasin
- Community Based Irrigation Management in the Tekeze Basin: Performance Evaluation of Small Scale Irrigation Schemes
Mintesinot Behailu, Nata Tadesse, Abiot Legesse & Dagmawi Teklu
- Irrigation Development in Tigray part of the Tekeze Basin: The experience of Relief Society of Tigray (REST)
Haile Michael Mekonnen
- The Nature and Properties of Salt Affected Soils in Middle Awash Valley of Ethiopia
Girma Taddese & Fentaw Abegaz
- Extent and Significant use of Low Quality Water in Agriculture: The Case of Addis Ababa Catchments the upland of the Awash Basin
Girma Taddese, Don Peden & Peter McCornick
- Evaluation of Water Quality in Middle Awash Valley, Ethiopia
Girma Taddese
M.Sc. Thesis:
Assessment of Small Scale Irrigation Using Comparative Performance Indicators on Two Selected Scemes in Upper Awash River Valley. 2004. M.Sc. Thesis by Yusuf Kedir Hassen submitted to The School of Graduate Studies Alemaya University. [see presentation]
Socio Economic and Environmental Impact Assessment of Community Based Small-Scale Irrigation In the Upper Awash Basin. A Case Study of Four Community Based Irrigation Schemes. 2004. M.Sc. Thesis by Wagnew Ayalneh, submitted to the School of Graduate Studies Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. [see presentation].
Land Cover and Land use Changes in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia: The Case of Yerer Mountain and its Surroundings. 2004. M.Sc.Thesis by Kahsay Berhe, submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. [see presentation].
Smallholders’ Irrigation Practices and Issues of Community
Management: The Case of Two Irrigation Systems in Eastern Oromia, Ethiopia. 2004. M.Sc. Thesis by Lemma Dinku submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. [see presentation]
The Socio-Cultural Aspect of Irrigation Management: The Case of Two Community-Based Small-Scale Irrigation Schemes in the Upper Tekeze Basin, Tigray Region. 2004. M.Sc. Thesis by Darout Gum'a submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. [see presentation]
Infection Prevalence of Ovine Fasciolosis in Irrigation Schemes along the Upper Awash River Basin and Effects of Strategic Antihemithic Treatment in Selected Upstream Areas. 2004. M.Sc. Thesis by Michael Asrat submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. [see presentation]
Developing Policy for More Effective Management of Water Resources for Community Based Irrigation in Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 14-16 March 2005 [program] [Proceedings]
Presentations :
- Livestock water productivity of four community-based small-scale irrigation schemes in the Upper Awash River Basin of Ethiopia by Wagnew Ayalneh, Abiye Astatke, Kai Sonder Sonder, Ranjitha Puskur, Don Peden and Girma Tadese
- Performance Evaluation of Community Based Irrigation Management in the Tekeze Basin: A Case Study on three Small-scale Irrigation Schemes (micro dams) by Mintesinot Behailu, Mohammed Abdulkadir, Atinkut Mezgebu and Mustefa Yasin
- Application of GIS for Natural Resource Management by Atesmachew, Girma, Yasin
- Multiple use of water for people and livestock in the Legedini watershed by Eline Boelee, Esther van Hoeve, Pauline Scheelbeek, Martine Jeths
- Improving Mangement of Livestock in Awash River Basin: A Challenge to Basin: Ethiopia by Girma Taddese, Don Peden, Abiye Astatke, Kai Sonder
- Land use and Land Cover Changes around Yerer Mountain, Upper Awash Basin, Ethiopia by Kahsay Berhe, Zerihun Woldu, Alemayehu Mamo, Dagnachew Legesse and Don Peden
- Improving Livestock Feeds in Poverty Alleviation for Small holder farmers in Dryland Areas by Kidane
- Gender, Irrigation and Livestock: Exploring the Nexus by Dejene Aredo
- Implication of Community-based Small Scale Irrigation in Human and Livestock Health Interaction: A Case Study in the Upper Awash River Basin Areas by Michael Asrat and Yilma Jobre
- Pesticide Use in Irrigated Crops and Its Effect on Human and Animals Health and Environment by Melaku
- Economic Linkages Of Smallholders Irrigation Developmentand Issues Of Community Management by Lemma Dinku, Girma Tadesse and Don Peden
- Design Considerations of SSI Schemes for their Sustainability and Farmers’ Management Simplicity By Yusuf Kedir Tena Alamirew
- Agricultural R4D: The Way I See It by Tsedeke Abate
- Water Harvesting Technologies a Challenge to Ethiopia: in Environmental/Ecological, Health Condition and its Economic Sustainability by Yilma Seleshi and Yusuf Kedir
- Roles, Constraints and Opportunities of Small Scale Irrigation and Water Harvesting in Ethiopian Agricultural Development: Assessment of Existing Situation by Awulachew, S. B., Merrey, D., van Koopen, B., Kamara, A, , Penning de Vries, Frits, Boelee, E.
Inception Workshop on IWMI-BOKU-Sieberdorf-EARO-Arbamintch University Collaborative Study on the Impact of Irrigation Development on Poverty and the Environment, 26-30 April 2004, ILRI, Ethiopia. [Program], [see presentation]
Papers presented at the Inception Workshop on Community Based Irrigation Management - 14-15 May, 2003, ILRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Journal Articles:
Bizuwerk Atesmachew, Girma Taddesse, Kai Sonder, Don Peden and Yilma Jobre. 2006. Comparative Assessment of Forage and Livestock Density in Tekeze River Basin. Ethiopian Veterrinary Journal. 2006. Volume: 10, No. 2. ISSN: 1683-632.
B.H Atesmachew, T. Girma , Don Peden, G. Yasin. 2006. Application of GIS for classification of production system and determination of grazing pressure in Upland of the Awash River Basin, Ethiopian Veterinary Journal. 2006. Volume: 10, No. 1. ISSN: 1683-6324.
Michael Asrat, Beyene Petros, Yilma Jobre, Don Peden, Yoseph Shiferaw, Girma Taddesse and Mulugeta Mamo. 2005. Infection prevalence of ovine fasciolosis in small-scale irrigation schemes along the Upper Awash River Basin. Ethiopian Veterinary Journal. 9(1), 19-27.
Michael Asrat, Beyene Petros, Yilma Jobre, Don Peden, Yoseph Shiferaw, Girma Taddesse and Mulugeta Mamo. 2005. Effects of strategic flukicidal (triclabendazole) treatment in naturally Fasciola infected sheep: A case study in Wolemera District, Ethiopia. Ethiopian Veterinary Journal. 9 (2), 39-50.
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