Basin fact sheet
Water management in the Yellow River Basin [visit id21 society & economy website]
Documents available
Selected Bibliography of works related to the Yellow River
Giordano, Mark , Zhongping Zhu, Ximing Cai, Shangqi Hong, Xuecheng Zhang and Yunpeng Xue. 2004. Water Management in the Yellow River Basin: Background, Current Critical Issues and Future Research Needs, CA Research Report 3
Liang, Linda. 2005. Water Management and Allocation of the Yellow River Basin. Report to CA/IWMI.
Wang, Xiaoyan, 2005. Grain Production in the Yellow River Basin. Report to CA/IWMI.
Zhu, Zhongping, Mark Giordano, Ximing Cai, David Molden (IWMI); Hong Shangchi, Zhang Huiyan, Lian Yu, Li Huain, Zhang Xuecheng, Zhang Xinghai, Xue Yunpeng (Yellow River Conservancy Commission), Yellow River Comprehensive Assessment: Basin Features and Issues, IWMI Working Paper 57, 2003
Zhu, Zhongping, Mark Giordano, Ximing Cai and David Molden. 2004. The Yellow River Basin: Water Accounting, Water Accounts and Current Issues. Water International. 29:2-10.
Zhu, Zhongping, Mark Giordano, Ximing Cai and David Molden. 2003. Yellow River Comprehensive Assessment: Basin features and Issues. IWMI Working Paper 57, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Selected Bibliography of Work related to the Yellow River
Boxer, B. 2001. Contradictions and Challenges in China’s Water Policy Development. Water International. 26: 335-341.
Caponera, D. 1960. Water Law Principles in the Chinese Legal System. Indian Journal of Internatoinal Law. 239-275.
Chi, W. 1965.Water Conservancy in Communist China. The China Quarterly. 23:37-54.
Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society and Chinese National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage. 1991. A Concise History of Irrigation in China on the occasion of the 42 nd International Executive Council Meeting of ICID. April 1991. Beijing.
Dodgen, R. A. 2001. Controlling the Dragon: Confucian engineers and the Yellow Riverin late Imperial China. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
Greer, C. 1979. Water Management in theYellow River Basin of China. University of Texas Press. Austin and London.
Jahiel, A. R. 1998. The Organization of Environmental Protection in China. The China Quarterly. 156:757-787.
Leung, G. Y. 1996. Reclamation and Sediment Control in the Middle Yellow River Valley. Water International. 21: 12-19.
Liu, C. 1998. Environmental Issues and the South-North Water Transfer Scheme. The China Quarterly. 156:899-910.
McNeill, J. R. 1998. China’s Environmental History in World Perspective. In Sediments of Time: Environment and Society in Chinese History. eds. Elvin, M. and Ts’ ui-Jung, L. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2-49.
Molle, François. 2003. The ‘closure’ of river basins: trajectories and societal responses. Paper prepared for the 3rd Conference of the International Water History Association, Alexandria, Egypt, December 11-14, 2003.
Molle, F.; BERKOFF, J. 2004. Cities vs. Agriculture: Revisiting intersectoral water transfers, potential gains and conflicts. IWMI-CA Research Report. Draft.
Nickum, J. 1998. Is China Living on the Water Margin? The China Quarterly. 156: 881-898.
Ongley, E. D. 2000. The Yellow River: Managing the unmanageable. Water International. 25: 227-331.
Perkins, D. 1968. Agricultural Development in China 1368-1968. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company.
Ren, M.; and Walker, H. J. 1998. Environmental Consequences of Human Activity on the Yellow River and its Delta, China. Physical Geography. 19, 421-432.
Todd, O. J.; and Siguard, E. 1940. The Yellow River Problem. Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers. 105. 346-453.
Zhu, Zhongping, Mark Giordano, Ximing Cai and David Molden. 2004. The Yellow River Basin: Water Accounting, Water Accounts and Current Issues. Water International. 29:2-10.