Archive Content
This website contains links to several archived websites over many years.
The websites listed are no longer being updated and some functionality may not be available.

CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems
The CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE) was a global research-for-development program connecting partners to deliver sustainable agricultural solutions, strengthen ecosystem health, and create resilient water, land and food systems. It operated between 2012 and 2021.

The Commission on Sustainable Agriculture Intensification
The Commission on Sustainable Agriculture Intensification (CoSAI) was launched in July 2020 to investigate the current state of investment in agricultural innovation and explore how to overcome constraints to the development and uptake of key innovations for SAI.

The Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture
The Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture critically evaluated the benefits, costs, and impacts of the past 50 years of water development, the water management challenges communities are facing today, and solutions people have developed.

Climate Change & Water Dialogue
The dialogues highlighted the critical challenges faced by Small Island Developing States like Sri Lanka and the Maldives, such as water vulnerability and the need for urgent action to reduce the global water crisis.