"The tension between water use for agriculture and the environment lies at the very heart of many different situations around the world." Roberto Lenton, a former Director General of IWMI and current the Executive Director at the Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Institute at the University of Nebraska, addresses the role of agriculture in water use and the importance of providing the right incentives for farmers to adapt to more sustainable agricultural practices. Unsustainable food production is often a governance failure, he points out. However, he also stresses the importance of working on the reduction of food waste alongside food production.
Roberto Lenton introduces the Global Yield Gap and Water Productivity Atlas project, a map-based web platform that provides information about the potential production capability for each acre of land under rain-fed and irrigated conditions and compares it with the current production rate.
Roberto Lenton was interviewed by James Clarke, Head of Communications at the International Water Management Institute.
Tension Heart Water use for agriculture Tension between water use for agriculture and the environment.