Water Accounting (WA) integrates hydrological processes with land use, managed water flows and the services that result from water consumption in river basins. Based on global hydrological models and public domain remote sensing data sets, WA+ is a framework that provides consistent and coherent information on water resources and the services water provides, such as irrigation for agriculture, in a river basin or a country.
The tool tracks sets of indicators and displays data using clear terminology and a standard data collection system with known quality standards, providing information through a number of standard reporting sheets, maps and tables, designed for individual purposes. The outputs are intended to help users to better understand the current state of water resources, issues, future challenges and opportunities for improvements in a particular area, and are made available through the web portal wateraccounting.org.
The information resulting from water accounting can be used at the negotiation table and as basis for decision making when many different actors work to establish agreements on water resources management, and it provides a tool to better understand trade-offs associated with different development pathways. The WA+ tool may also be used to establish baselines and monitor progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals concerned with water scarcity, availability, withdrawals and use efficiency.