The Collaborative Programme Euphrates and Tigris (CPET) aims to increase the trust and knowledge base between Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey (Country Partners (CP) and to build a sufficient evidence base to enable investment prioritisation. A primary activity of the programme is joint fact finding, which is to be carried out by six specialist Task Forces. (1) Task Force H: Hydrology and Climate Change; (2) Task Force E: Hydropower; (3) Task Force W: Water Quality; (4) Task Force A: Agricultural Water Productivity; (5) Task Force M: Marshlands; and (6) Task Force S: Socioeconomics. As agriculture consumes the vast majority of the Euphrates and Tigris (E-T) basin water resources and it is well established that water is being used inefficiently this task force will develop feasible options for the basin countries to improve water use in agriculture and to enhance food security though regional and bilateral cooperation. ICARDA leads task force A on Agricucltural water productivity with key objective is to develop reasonable and equitable use for the basin countries to improve water use in agriculture and to enhance food security through regional and bilateral cooperation. This task force (A) aims to map water producvity of the basin to understand the variability of the crop water use and identify potetnail areas for improvement in agricultural water producctivity and cooperation in the basin.