NSF: Belmont Forum-G8 Initiative collaborative research: Southern Africa's hydro-economy and water security: SAHEWS Award # 1342742

The proposed research addresses key knowledge gaps and will work with end-users and wider stakeholders to help realise the opportunities for more effective water management in Southern Africa through the following: • Improve understanding of hydro-meteorological variability and seasonal forecast reliability across Southern Africa; • Improve understanding and characterization of Southern Africa’s hydro-economy and large-scale drivers of freshwater variability; • Enhance knowledge use by decision-makers in the region through case study collaborations following a demand-led research co-design process; • Facilitate high level knowledge exchange through a range of carefully targeted outputs. IFPRI's activities in the consoritum relate to linking climate variability with water and trade models. While climate scenarios (mostly based on GCM results from AR4) are increasingly being coupled with economic models, to date no concerted effort has been made to link precipitation variability or seasonal forecasts with trade, energy and overall economic modelling. Moreover, information that would result from such efforts has never been integrated with decision-making processes. To do this, IFPRI is using both computable general equilibrium models as well as partial equilibrium models of the agriculture sector.