The ultimate goal of the WLI is to improve rural livelihoods in selected countries in the MENA region. This will be achieved through the implementation of a variety of bio-physical and socio-economic related activities geared towards the development of improved technologies and innovation packages to address critical development challenges; as well as to build local, national, and regional capacity to ensure sustainable adoption and utilization of proposed solutions. Effective implementation of activities will result in one or more of the following outputs which are aligned with USAID?s Feed the Future (FtF) Indicators: 1. Number of hectares under improved technologies or management practices 2. Number of farmers and others who have applied new technologies or management practices 3. Number of individuals who have received USG supported short-term agricultural sector productivity or food security training 4. Number of food security private enterprises (for profit), producers organizations, water users associations, women's groups, trade and business associations, and community-based organizations (CBOs) receiving USG assistance 5. Number of stakeholders implementing risk-reducing practices/actions to improve resilience to climate change as a result of USG assistance 6. Number of new technologies or management practices in one of 3 phases of development. The outputs identified above will in-turn contribute to: 1. Increased water, land, and crop (for human and animal consumption) 2. Enhanced awareness of sustainable water and land management practices 3. Increased rural income 4. Increased resilience and environmental sustainability. Achievements of the proposed outcomes will then result in attaining the WLI goal - Improved Rural Livelihoods.