Debevec, Liza; Compaore-Sawadogo, E. M. F. W.; Somda-Kabore, Letisia Rolande; Kando, Adeline Dorothee. 2019. Guide pratique. L’approche participative pour une gestion plus inclusive et durable des ressources en eau a travers les Comites Locaux de l’Eau, etape par etape: theorie, methodologie et exemples. In French. [A participatory approach for more inclusive and sustainable management of water resources through the local water committees, step by step: theory, methodology and examples] Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI).. 48p. doi: 10.5337/2019.217
- Debevec, Liza
- Compaore-Sawadogo, E. M. F. W.
- Somda-Kabore, Letisia Rolande
- Kando, Adeline Dorothee