- Latin America
TypeBook Chapter
Research Themes
Donoso, G.; Aldaya, M. M.; de Sousa, C. Jr.; Cai, Xueliang; Chico, D.; de Miguel, A.; Dumont, A.; Gurovich, L.; Lautze, Jonathan; Lopez-Gunn, E.; Pahlow, M.; Palhares, J. C. P.; Zarate, E. 2014. Water efficiency: status and trends. In Willaarts, B. A.; Garrido, A.; Llamas, M. R. (Eds.). Water for food security and well-being in Latin America and the Caribbean: social and environmental implications for a globalized economy. Oxon, UK: Routledge - Earthscan. pp.261-283.
- Donoso, G.
- Aldaya, M. M.
- Sousa, C. de
- Xueliang Cai
- Chico, D.
- Miguel, A. de
- Dumont, A.
- Gurovich, L.
- Lautze, Jonathan F.
- López Gunn, E.
- Pahlow, M.
- Palhares, J.C.P.
- Zarate, E.