The objectives of this project is to gain a better understanding of the dynamics of the Brahmaputra river basin from a system-wide perspective, by creating a knowledge base and suite of modeling tools that can be used to examine the potential development in the basin and attendant impacts, and support an information-based dialogue within and between riparian basin entities. This study would focus on assessment of Brahmaputra basin including all tributaries upstream of Dhubri in North East India, and take note of the hydrology of the shared basin upstream of India. Some of the project activities include: (i) Developing a robust basin-wide knowledge base and simulation model suite for water resources assessment and strategic planning for the entire Brahmaputra basin in India; (ii) Analyzing strategic development issues, and develop possible impact scenarios. (iii) Establishing and facilitating a multi-stakeholder consultation process (inside and outside of government) to guide and share the work above; and (iv) Building capacity in central and state agencies through training, and ensuring wide access to the models and analyses and supporting documentation.