This project supports the development of RRR curriculum, RRR/RUL publication series, an RRR tool box, global databases (with FAO) and the outreach of Flagship 3 at major conferences. In addition, GlobE - UrbanFood Plus is mapped to this overarching project.
GlobE - UrbanFood Plus
IWMI is contributing regional expertise on urban food systems and nutrient flows to different sub-projects (SPs) of the larger GlobE (Urban Food Plus) project , in particular for the supervision of PhD students, support of field trials and activity backstopping. This is the second part of of the ongoing 5 year project, co-funded by BMBF and BMZ.
Contact Person
Drechsel, Pay <>Partners
AIT - Austrian Institute of Technology, CEWAS, IWMI - International Water Management Institute, Ministry of Agriculture (Sri Lanka), RUAF - RUAF Foundation, UNEP / UN Enviroment - The United Nations Environment ProgrammeRelated contents
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