The 7th Africa Agriculture Science Week (AASW) and FARA General Assembly (GA) will be held in Kigali, Rwanda from June 13-16, 2016. AASW is a forum for those working in African agriculture science to come together and strategize on the best way to enhance the application of science in African agriculture in order to accelerate the continent's economic and social transformation.
The overall theme of the 7th African Agriculture Science Week and FARA GA is Apply Science, Impact Livelihoods.
WLE Side Session: Managing water and land resources, the essential pathway to unlock Africa’s Agricultural potential
WLE has organized a session at AASW on Tuesday, June 14 from 14:300-17:00 in room MRBBO 202 to showcase some of the solutions and evidence being generated on natural resource management in Africa. The focus will be on land restoration and agricultural water management, and the session will show how these kinds of solutions can be the key to unlocking more productive and sustainable agriculture on the continent. Current agricultural policies and practices in Africa tend to emphasize technical solutions to increase productivity, yields and incomes of farmers. This session will show how a more holistic approach is both possible and necessary.
The session will feature work by our partners from IWMI, CIAT, ICARAF, ICARDA, GIDA, Kilimo Trust, Conservation Alliance, and the Nature Conservancy, as well as panelists from PENTAIR and RNRA.