‘Science-driven solutions’ is a synthesis of selective research and innovations developed by the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). It captures solutions developed by the program and its partners over the past decade. Solutions are aligned with three thematic areas: nature-based solutions for climate-smart development; productivity and resilience for thriving communities; and landscape approaches for restoration, sustainable land use and livelihoods.
‘Science-driven solutions’ is designed to inform future research, planning and investments – and promotes solutions that can be adopted or adapted to improve ecosystem health and strengthen food, nutrition and water security across the Global South. The innovations have been identified by WLE researchers for their practicality and proven ability to protect natural resources and support more sustainable and climate-resilient livelihoods.
Reflecting the breadth of WLE’s diverse research portfolio, innovations range from the integration of rice and fish production, business models that drive circular economies, affordable insurance for flood-prone farmers, and efforts to mainstream agrobiodiversity in food production systems.