
CROSST - Version 1.0.1

Mukiri, Jessica; Diogo, Rodrigue V.; Gbedjissokpa, Sènami G.; Kinyua, Michael; Van der Hoek, Rein; Paul, Birthe; Sommer, Rolf, 2019, "CROSST - Version 1.0.1", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/86009C, Harvard Dataverse, V1

Land degradation and the Sustainable Development Goals: Threats and potential remedies.

Vlek,Paul; Tamene, Lulseged; Martius, Christopher; Lamers, J,P.A.; Drechsel, Pay; Ziadat, Feras M.; Le, Quang Bao; Mirzabaev, Alisher; Nkonya, Ephraim; Lynden, Godert van; Whitbread, Anthony M.; Akhtar-Schuster, Mariam; Kizito, Fred; Winowiecki, Leigh; Cofie, Olufunke O. 2017. Land degradation and the Sustainable Development Goals: Threats and potential remedies.

Overview of the WEB-GIS interface.

Fradi, Fajr; Le, Quang Bao; Bonaiuti, Enrico; Thomas, Richard; Lala-Pritchard, Tana; Holmes, Holly Anne. 2017. Overview of the WEB-GIS interface. Amman, Jordan: The International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) (Executive Producer).
