Conference Paper

Prospects, challenges and institutional linkages of vegetable value chain in Ibadan city of Nigeria

Olajide-Taiwo, L. O.; Bamimore, K.; Olajide-Taiwo, F. B.; Cofie, Olufunke; Babajide, K. S. 2014. Prospects, challenges and institutional linkages of vegetable value chain in Ibadan city of Nigeria. In Nono-Womdim, R.; Mendez, D. Gutierrez; Sy Gaye, A. (Eds.). International Symposium on Urban and Peri-Urban Horticulture in the Century of Cities: Lessons, Challenges, Opportunities, Dakar, Senegal, 6 December 2010. Vol 1. Leuven, Belgium: International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS). pp.299-305. (ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1021)

Anthropologists and participatory research in research for development projects: case studies from Ethiopia, Ghana and Burkina Faso [Abstract only]

Debevec, Liza; Salzer, A. K. 2014. Anthropologists and participatory research in research for development projects: case studies from Ethiopia, Ghana and Burkina Faso [Abstract only] Paper presented at the 13th EASA Biennial Conference on Collaboration, Intimacy & Revolution-Innovation and Continuity in an Interconnected World, Tallinn, Estonia, 31st July - 3rd August 2014. 1p.

The potential role of soil amendments in increasing agricultural productivity and improving the livelihood of smallholders in Lao PDR

Mekuria, Wolde; Noble, Andrew; Hoanh, Chu Thai; McCartney, Matthew; Sengtaheuanghoung, O.; Sipaseuth, N.; Douangsavanh, Somphasith; Langan, Simon; Getnet, Kindie. 2014. The potential role of soil amendments in increasing agricultural productivity and improving the livelihood of smallholders in Lao PDR. Paper presented at the 15th National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute Anniversary Symposium on Agriculture and Forestry Research for Development, Vientiane, Lao PDR, 8-10 April 2014. 15p.

State regulations in groundwater management: they bark but do they bite?

Molle, Francois; Closas, Alvar. 2015. State regulations in groundwater management: they bark but do they bite? Paper presented at the ICID 26th Euro-Mediterranean Regional Conference and Workshops on Innovate to Improve Irrigation Performances. Theme 3: What Governance for Groundwater and Surface Water Use in Agriculture?, Montpellier, France, 12-15 October 2015. 4p.

Mapping irrigated areas in the dry zone of Myanmar by differentiating evapotranspiration from irrigated and rain-fed areas [Abstract only]

Douangsavanh, Somphasith; McCartney, Matthew; Lacombe, Guillaume. 2014. Mapping irrigated areas in the dry zone of Myanmar by differentiating evapotranspiration from irrigated and rain-fed areas [Abstract only] In NARO/Hokkaido Agricultural Research Center. Agro-environmental Research Division. Proceedings of International Symposium on Agricultural Meteorology [ISAM], Hokkaido, Japan, 17-21 March 2014. Hokkaido, Japan: NARO/Hokkaido Agricultural Research Center. Agro-environmental Research Division. pp.179.
