Impact goals
WLE is a global research-for-development program connecting partners to deliver sustainable agricultural solutions that enhance our natural resources and the well-being of people.
By 2022, WLE aims to achieve the following impacts:
- Degraded landscapes restored:
WLE aims to support more than 1.5 million farm households to restore more than 3 million ha of land, and sequester in soils an estimated 4 megatons of CO2 emissions per year.
- Land and water solutions adopted and scaled:
WLE aims to foster more resilient, equitable and food-secure farming landscapes, benefiting 2 million households, as well as improving water use efficiency at scale, targeting a 5% increase in efficiency in irrigation.
- Sustainable rural-urban ecosystems:
WLE aims to increase water and nutrient-use efficiency on 4 million ha of urban and periurban lands, and improve nutrient- and wateruse efficiency on 3.6 million ha through resource recovery from food waste.
- Resilience through policy and trade-off tools:
WLE co-develops and scales innovative policy mechanisms and institutional arrangements, aiming to benefit six million households by 2022
Evidenced outcomes and impacts
As part of CGIAR's Annual Reporting process, we report thoroughly evidenced Outcome Impact Case Reports (OICRs) documenting WLE-supported work that led to evidenced outcomes.
A summary of our eight submitted reports for 2018 is published in our online report. These include:
- Harnessing Ethiopian floodwaters helps dryland pastoralists – and the approach is scaling up (ICRISAT)
- Evaluation of water management training program in Tajikistan leads to redesign to target women farmers (IWMI)
- A Revolution in solar-powered irrigation: Solar Power as Remunerative Crop (SPaRC) model is being scaled out nationwide in India (IWMI)
- Water planning system “Agua de Honduras” used to improve Honduran investment decisions (CIAT)
- Soil-plant spectral technology guiding soil fertility investments in Africa (ICRAF)
- Environmental water flows go global to support implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (IWMI)
- Making the Leap from Drought Monitoring to Managing Agricultural Drought Risks in India (IWMI)
- Scaling out tested sustainable agricultural practice and conservation-restoration measures: Piloting of a financial instrument in the Colombian Amazon (CIAT)
WLE has a history of impact. Below is a summary of WLE's Phase 1 achievements: