- Southern Africa
- Climate change
- Floods
- Innovation
- Irrigation
- Livelihoods

• Water Spreading Weirs: To capture and spread
the torrential flood emerging in the neighboring
highlands to low-lying rangelands and crop fields,
five weirs were built based on land suitability studies.
• Working together: Joint planning and execution
between community leaders, landscape and crop
researchers and development agents using a
combination of good agronomy, remote sensing and
GIS-based maps yielded positive results.
• Success draws attention: Seeing the results,
pastoralists were willing to take up farming. It
created local confidence, drew government
attention and benefited pastoralists.
Tilahun Amede, Elisabeth Van den Akker, Wolf Berdel, Christina Ketter, Gebeyaw Tilahun, Asmare Dejen, Gizachew Legesse, Hunegnaw Abebe and Mezgebu Getnet. 2019. Flooding events turned into farming opportunities: Innovation transforms livelihoods of pastoralists in Ethiopia. Policy Brief 13, ICRISAT.
- Amede, Tilahun
- Akker, Elisabeth van den
- Berdel, Wolf
- Ketter, Christina
- Tilahun, Gebeyaw
- Dejen, Asmare
- Legesse, Gizachew
- Abebe, Hunegnaw
- Getnet, Mezgebu