Research to resilience: Climate-smart solutions to enhance ecosystem health and strengthen food, nutrition and water security for all
With climate change increasing the frequency of extreme weather events, unreliable rainfall, droughts and floods present an ever-greater threat to smallholder farmers, especially in the Global South. What innovations are needed to increase smallholders’ climate resilience in the face of such challenges?
This urgent issue was explored in ‘Drought and flood risk reduction strategies,’ the second in WLE’s ‘Research to resilience’ webinar series. This hour-long event saw speakers from NGOs, research institutions and the private sector share innovative disaster risk management solutions from South Asia. Topics discussed included:
- The South Asia Drought Monitoring System (SADMS) and the importance of monitoring and early warning systems in proactively enhancing disaster resilience
- How Index-based Flood Insurance (IBFI) can expand financial inclusion to vulnerable social groups
- Bundled Insurance Solutions with Seed Systems and Climate Information Services (BICSA), and the role more holistic climate-based advisories can play in disaster risk management
- The challenges to scaling up flood risk management and closing protection gaps in the flood risk sector.
These subjects, along with audience questions, were explored through two keynote presentations and a panel discussion, moderated by IWMI’s Dr Alok Sikka.
Speakers and Panelists
Opening remarks
Dr Stefan Uhlenbrook, Program Director, WLE (IWMI)
- Dr Giriraj Amarnath, Principal Researcher, Disaster Risk Management and Climate Resilience, IWMI
- Dr Adlul Islam, Principal Scientist & ADG (soil and water management), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
- Mr Enamul Mazid Khan Siddique, Interim Country Director, Oxfam in Bangladesh
- Mr Indu Abeyratne, Programme Officer, Emergency Preparedness and Response, UN World Food Programme
- Dr Shirish Ravan, Head, Beijing Office, UN-SPIDER Programme of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)
- Mr Mangesh Niranjan Patankar, Head, Agriculture Reinsurance India, SwissRe
- Mr Anuj Kumbhat, Founder and CEO, Weather Risk Management Services Pvt Ltd
Dr Alok K. Sikka, Country Representative, IWMI-India
Closing remarks
Dr Veronica Doerr, Research Program Manager – Climate Change, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)
Overview of WLE initiatives on floods and drought in South Asia (Dr Giriraj Amarnath, IWMI)
Utilization of water risk knowledge products for agriculture risk management (Dr Adlul Islam, ICAR)
- MENAdrought IWMI project outputs
- Southern Africa Drought Resilience Initiative
- Index-based Flood Insurance (IBFI) IWMI project site
- Index-based Flood Insurance (IBFI) concept video
- Hi-tech support helps Sri Lanka's farmers navigate the climate crisis (IWMI video)