
Predicting groundwater recharge in Ghana by estimating evapotranspiration

Anayah, F. M.; Kaluarachchi, J. J.; Pavelic, Paul; Smakhtin, Vladimir. 2013. Predicting groundwater recharge in Ghana by estimating evapotranspiration. Water International, 38(4):408-432. (Special issue on "Sustainable groundwater development for improved livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa, Part 1" with contributions by IWMI authors). doi:

Green and blue water dimensions of foreign direct investment in biofuel and food production in West Africa: the case of Ghana and Mali.

Kizito, Fred; Williams, Timothy Olalekan; McCartney, Matthew; Erkossa, Teklu. 2012. Green and blue water dimensions of foreign direct investment in biofuel and food production in West Africa: the case of Ghana and Mali. In Allan, T.; Keulertz, M.; Sojamo, S.; Warner, J. (Eds.). Handbook of land and water grabs in Africa: foreign direct investment and food and water security. London, UK: Routledge. pp.337-358.

Leau, source de richesse et de securite alimentaire: soutenir les investissements dans la gestion de leau en agriculture axes sur les agriculteurs. Rapport de synthese du projet AgWater Solutions.

Giordano, Meredith; de Fraiture, C.; Weight, Elizabeth; van der Bliek, Julie. 2012. Leau, source de richesse et de securite alimentaire: soutenir les investissements dans la gestion de leau en agriculture axes sur les agriculteurs. Rapport de synthese du projet AgWater Solutions. In French. [Water for wealth and food security: supporting farmer-driven investments in agricultural water management. Synthesis report of the AgWater Solutions Project]. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 44p. (Also in English).

Water for wealth and food security: supporting farmer-driven investments in agricultural water management. Synthesis report of the AgWater Solutions Project.

Giordano, Meredith; de Fraiture, C.; Weight, Elizabeth; van der Bliek, Julie. (Eds.) 2012. Water for wealth and food security: supporting farmer-driven investments in agricultural water management. Synthesis report of the AgWater Solutions Project. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 50p. (Also in French).

Gender policies and implementation in agriculture, natural resources and poverty reduction

Dittoh, S.; Snyder, K. A.; Lefore, N. 2015. Gender policies and implementation in agriculture, natural resources and poverty reduction: case study of Ghana’s Upper East Region. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). 22p. (WLE Research for Development (R4D) Learning Series 3). doi: 10.5337/2015.205
