
Advancing the water-energy-food nexus: social networks and institutional interplay in the blue Nile

Stein, C.; Barron, J.; Nigussie, L.; Gedif, B.; Amsalu, T.; Langan, S. 2014. Advancing the water-energy-food nexus: social networks and institutional interplay in the Blue Nile. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). 24p. (WLE Research for Development (R4D) Learning Series 2). doi: 10.5337/2014.223

The effect of non-fluoride factors on risk of dental fluorosis: evidence from rural populations of the Main Ethiopian Rift

Kravchenko, J.; Rango, T.; Akushevich, I.; Atlaw, B.; McCornick, Peter G.; Merola, R. B; Paul, C; Weinthal, E.; Harrison, C.; Vengosh, A.; Jeuland, M. 2014. The effect of non-fluoride factors on risk of dental fluorosis: evidence from rural populations of the Main Ethiopian Rift. Science of the Total Environment, 488-489:595-606. doi:

Fluoride exposure from groundwater as reflected by urinary fluoride and children's dental fluorosis in the Main Ethiopian Rift Valley

Rango, T.; Vengosh, A.; Jeuland, M.; Tekle-Haimanot, R.; Weinthal, E.; Kravchenko, J.; Paul, C.; McCornick, Peter G. 2014. Fluoride exposure from groundwater as reflected by urinary fluoride and children's dental fluorosis in the Main Ethiopian Rift Valley. Science of the Total Environment, 496:188-197. doi:

Water-smart agriculture in East Africa

Nicol, A.; Langan, S.; Victor, M.; Gonsalves, J. (Eds.) 2015. Water-smart agriculture in East Africa. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE); Kampala, Uganda: Global Water Initiative East Africa (GWI EA).
