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FDI in LDC's is still an exploitative strategy to smallholders.In Tanzania for example most of smallholders dont have enough information on the benefits and advantages of FDI that investors most of the cases take advantage.the land which is given away is the same land that smallholders depend on to make a living and because they are poor they think that by renting it to foreigners they might get some advantages that will help increase their income.but the truth is nothing goes back to them and even the compansation that they are promised,they are not accomplished.a good example is in areas that were rented for biofuel investments in Kisarawe and because of all this now the country experiences conflicts between farmers and pastoralists struggling for the land that has remained and conflicts with the investors.At the end of the day you ask youself who is real benefiting?is it the smallholders?is it the investors?or the few people in the system of investment that always identify suitable land to invest?