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Andrew, I agree with all you have written, and share your pessimism. The only suggestions I can make are -
there are some instances in the UK where Govt funding for conversion to organic systems, coupled with some good market research and then skilful marketing by small farmers, has enabled successful small businesses to survive (if no thrive!).
there are also examples of families who have bought or rented small areas of land, have farmed them intensively, but with low inputs, with the aim of producing most (rarely all) of their food. They sometimes have a surplus which can be traded with others. But most of them retain a job elsewhere, so that they are not dependent on having a surplus of produce.
This second example is almost a return to pre-industrial Britain, where many villagers had jobs but also farmed a small area.
I will be interested in what others come up with - it is, as you say, a very importanr question world-wide.