This is very interesting discussion topic. It will be verry useful to provide subsidies as after addressing key areas for intervention. According to my two years of experience i have realise that free market will detoriate tanzania agriculture small holder farmers due to stiff competition on technology, research and marketing.
As the case of Tanzania the subsidies as of seeds and fertilizers are provided, but still the efficiency and effectiveness are not that much positive. Companies and responsible department are not that much strictly in controling quality and standards,monitoring and even the priorities of researches and proffesionalism and worse enough the extension services part by the government isnt well organised.
So before provide and continue giving subsidies to farmers as the case of tanzania i wil prefer more researches and advocacy on seed selection, marketing as wel as extension services.
This is very interesting discussion topic. It will be verry useful to provide subsidies as after addressing key areas for intervention. According to my two years of experience i have realise that free market will detoriate tanzania agriculture small holder farmers due to stiff competition on technology, research and marketing.
As the case of Tanzania the subsidies as of seeds and fertilizers are provided, but still the efficiency and effectiveness are not that much positive. Companies and responsible department are not that much strictly in controling quality and standards,monitoring and even the priorities of researches and proffesionalism and worse enough the extension services part by the government isnt well organised.
So before provide and continue giving subsidies to farmers as the case of tanzania i wil prefer more researches and advocacy on seed selection, marketing as wel as extension services.