From Linked in
Hi Folks. There are inexhaustible arguments for and against small and large farm establishments in Africa. Your divide is strictly from your window of observation. Just as big is not always good so can be said of small. To make a choice is a complex process that should involve input concerns beginning from land tenure and expanse available, available technology and technical support, to the target market, maximising the opportunities and strength, and minimising the weaknesses and threats, to be brief. Bottom line is this. Either small or big, start producing. It is only production, processing and storage that can ensure food security, not importation.
By Prof Ajisegiri
From Linked in
Hi Folks. There are inexhaustible arguments for and against small and large farm establishments in Africa. Your divide is strictly from your window of observation. Just as big is not always good so can be said of small. To make a choice is a complex process that should involve input concerns beginning from land tenure and expanse available, available technology and technical support, to the target market, maximising the opportunities and strength, and minimising the weaknesses and threats, to be brief. Bottom line is this. Either small or big, start producing. It is only production, processing and storage that can ensure food security, not importation.
By Prof Ajisegiri