One cannot wish away the present situation obtaining in many developing as well as underdeveloped countries, particularly, Asia and Africa. Save in developed world where farming is seen to be for wealth creation for the benefit od individual few, in the other world many rural folks are actively engaged in farming despite dwindling size of the farm holdings (with division of the asset amongst family members). This is just because of lack of other alternatives! Many of them would perhaps like to quit farming, should there be an opportunity! And, this is gradually taking place. The subsidy to poor famers with small holdings (in whatever form be it be - like free energy for pumping ground water, lesser pricing of water etc, should be seen in this perspective. Encouraging them to profitably enhance their welfare by intensive farming is quite desirable, viewed in this angle. Lest, the political systems collapse, and wider unrest results. This also seeks funds to tackle! (the Maoism in a few part of rural India is a case before us; the necessity for the Central Government to enhance allocation of funds for internal security and stabilty, to cope up with the situation is well known for Indians).
I like the way Krishnan Srinivasan has anologised! Let us not under estimate the collective net result of the small farm holders' contribution to their respective countries food baskets.
Let us aspire that both big and small co exist harmoniously, as situation demands.Small is beautiful but neverthess, big is bountiful. One has accept these options, depending on local compulsions.
A bigger threat of the future would be that more & more, some countries would face serious problems in respect of land, as it becomes scarcer (quality soils and land for agriculture? ). Profitable Agriculture asks for both land and water.
And for all those who continue to engage in irrigated agriculture, small or big, ensuring food security of the countries conerned,intensification of irrigation and intensive agriculture are but necessities.
Keeping on board the broader objective of protecting eco system, a challenge before all of us nevertheless, sensible actions should be encouraged .
Could it be that the steady and gradual adaptation of species in the ecosystem to the ever changing environ play a (+ve) role in the dynamics?
One cannot wish away the present situation obtaining in many developing as well as underdeveloped countries, particularly, Asia and Africa. Save in developed world where farming is seen to be for wealth creation for the benefit od individual few, in the other world many rural folks are actively engaged in farming despite dwindling size of the farm holdings (with division of the asset amongst family members). This is just because of lack of other alternatives! Many of them would perhaps like to quit farming, should there be an opportunity! And, this is gradually taking place. The subsidy to poor famers with small holdings (in whatever form be it be - like free energy for pumping ground water, lesser pricing of water etc, should be seen in this perspective. Encouraging them to profitably enhance their welfare by intensive farming is quite desirable, viewed in this angle. Lest, the political systems collapse, and wider unrest results. This also seeks funds to tackle! (the Maoism in a few part of rural India is a case before us; the necessity for the Central Government to enhance allocation of funds for internal security and stabilty, to cope up with the situation is well known for Indians).
I like the way Krishnan Srinivasan has anologised! Let us not under estimate the collective net result of the small farm holders' contribution to their respective countries food baskets.
Let us aspire that both big and small co exist harmoniously, as situation demands.Small is beautiful but neverthess, big is bountiful. One has accept these options, depending on local compulsions.
A bigger threat of the future would be that more & more, some countries would face serious problems in respect of land, as it becomes scarcer (quality soils and land for agriculture? ). Profitable Agriculture asks for both land and water.
And for all those who continue to engage in irrigated agriculture, small or big, ensuring food security of the countries conerned,intensification of irrigation and intensive agriculture are but necessities.
Keeping on board the broader objective of protecting eco system, a challenge before all of us nevertheless, sensible actions should be encouraged .
Could it be that the steady and gradual adaptation of species in the ecosystem to the ever changing environ play a (+ve) role in the dynamics?