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I would like to add the research view of Andreea Novak, a CIAT visitor from Romania on the process followed in Coello basin by CPWF Andes project COMPANDES ( She adds some other issues in addition to the gender which also fall in the same basket of paradigms: equity and power relationships. These are some of the several that communities face permanently in their daily lives. Even considering their huge expertise in land and water management, an outsider junior professional intimidates their imagination. People from rural areas (kids, women, elders, etc), the ones living in the basins that we pretend to know deserve a place to express their understandings, desires and intentions. Only through an open dialogue, free from hierarchies and protocols, would it be possible to build a new kind of relationships where knowledge will flourish and development can emerge. It is not an easy task, we know in COMPANDES that this is possible, but not without them.