Dear Zarema, thank you very much for your question.
There are many ways and approaches to address your question that is also closely linked with the context that could be general or targeted to a specific village or a special group of rural women.
Feminization of agriculture is a process that is not always a voluntary choice of women themselves, but necessity and feeling of responsibility as the caretakers of their families in absence of men. As mentioned in the blog post, in most cases the jobs are informal. Informality means not only the absence of formal registration as an employee and having access to the social security system, but also that the employer does not carry any responsibility about the employee, does not provide any security for future employment and not care about the working conditions or facilities and children caretaking services. The states, local and international communities should stimulate and support rural communities and farm managers that have high numbers of female agricultural workers in their efforts of 1) reducing the pay gaps and formalizing the employment relations; 2) providing access to knowledge and capacity building; 3) creating services and introducing technologies that would allow to build capacities and to improve in mastering new occupations that were not accessible or thought inappropriate for women due to male domination. States should raise the awareness of people about gender topics, include deeper gender analysis into statistics and development agendas.
Voices of women can already include solutions. It is important to understand the context but also the specific needs of rural women and conduct gender inclusive assessments of any legislative or development project. Involving both men and women representatives in the process of project design and implementation and evaluation using special tools and methods , for example in The Gender in Irrigation and Learning Improvement Tool (GILIT) that can be used for designing and evaluating irrigation schemes.
Dear Zarema, thank you very much for your question.
There are many ways and approaches to address your question that is also closely linked with the context that could be general or targeted to a specific village or a special group of rural women.
Feminization of agriculture is a process that is not always a voluntary choice of women themselves, but necessity and feeling of responsibility as the caretakers of their families in absence of men. As mentioned in the blog post, in most cases the jobs are informal. Informality means not only the absence of formal registration as an employee and having access to the social security system, but also that the employer does not carry any responsibility about the employee, does not provide any security for future employment and not care about the working conditions or facilities and children caretaking services. The states, local and international communities should stimulate and support rural communities and farm managers that have high numbers of female agricultural workers in their efforts of 1) reducing the pay gaps and formalizing the employment relations; 2) providing access to knowledge and capacity building; 3) creating services and introducing technologies that would allow to build capacities and to improve in mastering new occupations that were not accessible or thought inappropriate for women due to male domination. States should raise the awareness of people about gender topics, include deeper gender analysis into statistics and development agendas.
Voices of women can already include solutions. It is important to understand the context but also the specific needs of rural women and conduct gender inclusive assessments of any legislative or development project. Involving both men and women representatives in the process of project design and implementation and evaluation using special tools and methods , for example in The Gender in Irrigation and Learning Improvement Tool (GILIT) that can be used for designing and evaluating irrigation schemes.