Comprehensive Assessment
of Water Management in Agriculture
CA Info Brief No. 12 –
The CA
assesses current knowledge and experience to identify the most effective investment
and management decisions in water management for agriculture for reducing
poverty and enhancing food and environmental security.
Apologies for Cross-Postings
CA Publications
These publications present results of
CA gap-filling research projects selected through two competitive calls
for proposals. The Synthesis work is being finalised.
Book: ‘Environment and Livelihoods in
Coastal Zones: Managing Agriculture – Fishery – Aquaculture Conflicts’, Editors: Hoanh, C.T., Tuong,
T.P., Gowing, J.W., and Hardy, B., June 2006, Series Editor:
This book is based on the
outcomes of a, the International Conference on Environment and Livelihoods in Coastal
Zones: Managing Agriculture-Fishery-Aquaculture Conflicts, 1-3 March 2005, Bac Lieu, Vietnam. A joint effort of the CA/IRRI/World Fish Center.
CA Research Report No. 11: ‘Prospects for productive use of
saline water in
CA Discussion Paper No. 3: 'The Possibilities for Dryland Crop Yield Improvement in
FAO water Report 30: “Stakeholder-oriented valuation to
support water resources management processes , Confronting concepts
with Local Practices”, 2006, by Leon Hermans &
Theme on Agroecosystems Report No. 20: ‘On-site and Off-site Impact of Watershed
Development: A Case Study of Rajasamadhiyala,
Gujarat, India, Sreedevi, TK, SP Wani, R Sudi, Mahesh S Patel, Jayesh Talati, SN Singh and Tushar Shah’ (PDF 1.1MB)
Global Theme on Agroecosystems
Report No. 26: ‘Yield Gap Analysis of
Major Rainfed Crops of Northern Vietnam Using Simulation Modeling’
Chuc, NT,
publications can be downloaded from Publications,
including the CA
research reports 1-10, CA
publications in partners series, the Blue
Paper: Investing in Water for Food, Ecosystems and Livelihoods,
Stockholm 2004 (PDF 634 KB)
and the book, Water Productivity in Agriculture: Limits and Opportunities for
Improvement [Book
index HTML]
Water for Food - Water for
Life: 18 Pieces of Art Selected to Illustrate the CA
Next events for the CA
CA book is being edited and will be available in the final quarter of
2006. It will be presented in special
18/19 July Conference on Transforming Tropical Agriculture:
An Assessment of Major Technological,
Institutional, and Policy Innovations, Brasil. Key
note by F. Rijsberman.
16/17 August - Symposium “ Water for Irrigated Agriculture and the Environment: Finding a Flow for
20 August,
August 2006, World Water Week in
September 2006, 9th
September 2006, 2nd Regional Workshop on Agricultural Water Management (AWM) in
Eastern and Southern
October 2006, 26th IRRC at International Rice Congress (IRC 2006): IRC 2006 will take place in
November 2006, International Forum on Water and Food: This event is organized by the Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF) and will
be held in
News from our Partners –
released by IWMI:
- a webmap to give you simple &
easy access to 102 years of climate data (the
data source is CRU Climate Research Unit of University of East Anglia, UK).
- an on-line data and information portal with CP-WF that provides access to water, agriculture and
environment scientific data. The portal name is IDIS -
Integrated Database Information System.
- a new and much
improved version of the World Water and Climate Atlas interface for accurate data on climate
and moisture availability for agriculture. The resolution of data for the Atlas
is 0.1 degree (~10 Km) and the coverage is the globe. (guidelines
for the new version ; interface
for the new version ; data CDs1
and data CD 2).